How much weight does plasterboard hold?

How much weight does plasterboard hold?

We call plasterboard laminated drywall or plasterboard.

It is a construction material widely used today due to its easy handling, lightness and versatility, and more and more houses have it on their walls or ceilings.

Due to its rapid popularity, one of the doubts that most arises about plasterboard is its ability to bear weight.

I will explain in this article how much weight the walls and ceilings of plasterboard support, but I will explain what you should take into account before hanging the loads on it.

This way you can ensure that your structure is safe and durable.

How much weight the plasterboard supports on the walls

If you want to know how much weight the plasterboard holds, you should keep this information: the maximum load per fixation is 30kg.

You must bear in mind that this value is for loads that are attached to the plasterboard, or what is the same, flush loads.

So that you understand this concept better, the flush load is one that does not protrude, so all the weight does so downwards.

Eccentric loads, which are those that have a greater volume and, therefore, are more separated from the wall, will have to have less weight.

The maximum weight will depend on the volume of the object and the distribution of its load, since in this case the force is not exerted downwards, but is exerted at an angle to the wall.


How much weight the plasterboard supports on the ceiling

Since the loads on the ceiling are exerted at an angle of 90º, the load they can withstand is less than when the plasterboard is on the wall.

In this case, you must take as a reference the following data: the maximum load that supports the plasterboard on the ceiling is 10 kg / m2.

But if what you are interested in is the maximum load per fixation, keep in mind the following:

  • Up to 3 kg per fixation: the minimum separation between fixings should be 40 cm.
  • Up to 10 kg per fixation: the minimum separation between fixings should be 120 cm.
  • More than 10 kg: fixation should be made to a restructural element.

This will interest you if you want to hang a lamp or some other element from the ceiling. But if you want to put something heavier, such as a punching bag, I recommend that you talk to a plasterboard professional to adapt the structure to support this type of load.

Elements to take into account when putting weight on plasterboard

When hanging objects on a plasterboard wall, it is important to take into account several elements to prevent the structure from being damaged or objects from detaching.

– Pladur thickness

The thickness of the plasterboard used directly influences the maximum load they can support.

Thinner panels have less load capacity than thicker ones.

Typically, 12.5 mm panels can withstand up to 20 kg/m2, while fiberglass reinforced panels will have higher strength.

Sometimes, the manufacturer itself can give you clues about the load they support, as in this example you have in the image.


In addition to the thickness of the panel, it is important to use suitable plugs and anchors to fix objects to the wall.

In stores you can find several types of dowels, such as expansion or thread, which offer different levels of resistance and adaptability to the type of wall and the weight of the object.

It is advisable to choose a block that has a load capacity greater than the weight of the object to be hung.

You can see this quickly in the packaging of the tacos, since they indicate the maximum step for which they are designed.

In this example, the maximum weight is indicated on the container of the block according to the material on which it is to be used. In the case of plasterboard are 12 kg.

And, of course, always choose cleats that are suitable for use on laminated plasterboard.

Putting a TV on a plasterboard wall

Placing a TV on a plasterboard wall is a situation that you will face if you have walls of this type.

It is important to note that plasterboard is not as resistant as a brick or cement wall, so certain recommendations should be followed to avoid damaging the structure and ensure the stability of your television.

To hang a TV on a plasterboard wall safely and without risk of falling or breaking, it is important to follow these instructions:

  • Don’t use an extendable arm: Extendable arms can put too much strain on the plasterboard wall and cause it to weaken over time. It is better to opt for a fixed stand for added security.
  • Fix the bracket on the wall profiles: the wall profiles are the most resistant areas of the plasterboard and provide additional support for fixing the support. It is important to locate them and make sure to fix the support on them. You can get it by using a metal detector.
  • Use the right dowels: the plugs used to fix the stand should be suitable for the type of plasterboard and the weight of the TV. Expansion plugs are a good option as they offer greater strength and safety.

In conclusion, putting weight on a plasterboard wall requires certain precautions and knowledge to ensure the safety and durability of the structure.

It is important to take into account factors such as the type of plasterboard, the cleats used, the distance between the fixings and the choice of the appropriate support for the weight and size of the object to be hung.

By following these recommendations, you can avoid not only damage to the hanging object, but also major problems in the wall structure.

Remember that, in case of doubts or if the weight you want to hang is excessive, it is always advisable to have a professional who guarantees a safe and durable installation.

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By Catharine Bwana