acoustic insulation

The 8 best sound and thermal insulation materials

The 8 best sound and thermal insulation materials

Whether for a newly built home or to make a reform, you are surely interested in knowing what materials exist to achieve acoustic and thermal insulation. If you know which materials meet these characteristics you can make your decision based on this, and in this article I will explain what materials these are. This way you will narrow your search to only the materials that meet your requirements. What is thermal and acoustic insulation? When we talk about construction, thermal and acoustic insulation refers to the ability of materials to reduce the transfer of heat and sound between the interior and…
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5 ChovA products to improve the quality of your home

5 ChovA products to improve the quality of your home

ChovA is a company from Tavernes de la Valldigna (Valencia) that is dedicated to the manufacture and marketing of waterproofing, thermal insulation and acoustic insulation products. With its range of products, the company seeks to ensure health, energy efficiency and comfort in buildings and homes. Since it offers several solutions, in this post I want to highlight 5 products that you can use in the construction or rehabilitation of your home. In this way you will use top quality materials. Let's analyze them. Self-adhesive asphalt sheet I want to start by highlighting the self-adhesive asphalt fabric with which you can waterproof any exterior surface.…
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