early repayment

The 8 most relevant mortgage terms

The 8 most relevant mortgage terms

If every time you do a financial search online or talk to an advisor from your bank everything you hear sounds like Chinese, do not worry. As we always tell you, the financial sector is full of complex terms unknown to most that can further complicate your search for financing, and unless you work in the profession, confusion can be important. Today we want to clarify the eight most relevant terms that you should know before going to any bank or signing a mortgage operation. Let's go! Main Capital The capital is the amount of money that the bank is going to…
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Mixed mortgages: advantages and disadvantages

Mixed mortgages: advantages and disadvantages

When the need arises to apply for a real estate loan, the first thing that is thought of is the interest rate that will benefit us the most: fixed or variable. But what about mixed mortgages? It is a modality in which the two previous types are combined and, according to financial experts, are more advisable for customers with the ability to make an early amortization. In this article we tell you what this type of mortgage consists of, as well as some of its advantages and disadvantages. What is a mixed mortgage? It is a mortgage loan that combines…
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