
Goodbye to multi-currency mortgages, what happens now with them?

Goodbye to multi-currency mortgages, what happens now with them?

With the disappearance this year of Libor (a benchmark used for loans in currencies other than the euro), the future of multi-currency mortgages is uncertain. These types of credits associated with foreign currencies must now be linked to an alternative benchmark. Otherwise, as stated by the Bank of Spain "these mortgages will lose the reference to calculate in the periodic reviews the interest rate to be applied and, therefore, the installments cannot be determined". Problems associated with multi-currency mortgages In Spain there are about 70,000 people with multi-currency mortgages. They are loans to buy homes granted in a currency other…
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Green mortgages. Pay less for a sustainable home

Green mortgages. Pay less for a sustainable home

Although the supply of green mortgages is still much lower than in the case of other mortgage loans, it seems that the demand grows every day. The concern for energy efficiency and the environment occupies more and more space when making the decision to buy a home. According to the I Study of green finance in Spain, carried out by ASUFIN (Association of Financial Users), "25% of the population considers it important that the investment carried out is sustainable". The report also highlights that, sometimes, the economic conditions imposed by banks for this type of mortgage are worse than in the case…
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Fixed or variable mortgage. Which one to choose in 2021?

Fixed or variable mortgage. Which one to choose in 2021?

Fixed or variable mortgage? It is the big question for anyone who needs a bank loan to buy their home. The answer is never easy and will always depend on a series of conditions: repayment term, present and future income or the level of savings of the applicant. But after a year of health and economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the decision becomes more difficult. We explain the advantages and disadvantages of both at this time and according to the current general banking conditions. Increases the percentage of fixed-rate mortgages contracted Until a few years ago, buyers opted to take…
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3 Requirements to get a Mortgage 100

3 Requirements to get a Mortgage 100

The mortgage 100 still exists today and although not all profiles can access it, there are common requirements for financial institutions to get it. Quality mortgage advice will place you closer to your concession. Do you want to know if you are a good candidate for Mortgage 100? Mortgage Requirements 100 Let's start at the beginning by analyzing the requirements in which financial institutions will be set to know if you are a good candidate. 1- Job Stability Job stability is essential to be able to access mortgage 100, in employed workers the bank as a whole considers that a buyer is stable when…
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