repayment term

How to get the best variable mortgage in 2022

How to get the best variable mortgage in 2022

Choosing the variable mortgage that best suits our needs takes time. No one is willing to pay more to have a home and so that this does not happen it is essential to search, compare and obtain all the accurate information to be able to find the most appropriate mortgage loan. Factors to consider when choosing a variable mortgage Although the number of fixed-rate mortgages has increased in recent months, variable-rate mortgages are still very attractive for a large part of the population. Especially since the Euribor (reference index) is still at historical lows. In December 2021 it stood at…
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How to get the best fixed mortgage in 2022

How to get the best fixed mortgage in 2022

In the last year the mortgage market experienced a remarkable growth and everything seems to indicate that, in the coming months, the trend will continue to be upward. One of the main reasons is the good prices of mortgages, especially fixed-rate mortgages. Major banks are offering mortgage products with very attractive conditions for home buyers. According to the latest data published by the INE, in October 2021 the number of mortgages constituted on homes was 27.9% higher than during the same period of the previous year. A revealing fact that serves as an example of the boom that the buying and selling…
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The most important factors when changing mortgages

The most important factors when changing mortgages

Improving your mortgage is possible. There are different ways to achieve this, one of them is mortgage subrogation that is nothing more than changing your bank loan to get better conditions. Would you like to reduce quota, interest rate or repayment term? We tell you how to do it. Subrogation: What would you like to change about your mortgage? Subrogation is changing the mortgage loan of your financial institution to another that offers you better conditions that involve savings. Subrogating a mortgage does not mean taking out a new mortgage loan with new conditions. Surrogacy involves maintaining the same funding but…
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