current home

How to finance your new home

How to finance your new home

What you need to know and do to make the mortgage process easier. When you buy a new home, images of beautiful kitchens, sumptuous master bathrooms, and abundant closet space may cross your mind, but you shouldn't forget an important step called financing. When you're buying your dream home, the main questions to ask yourself at the start of your search include: Are my credit reports accurate, up-to-date, and correct? What information will I need to collect to apply for financing for my new home? What can I pay with a mortgage? What are my credit options? Where can I…
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The keys to getting financing if you change housing

The keys to getting financing if you change housing

The pandemic and specifically the confinement has highlighted the shortcomings that many homes included without being aware of them many times. By spending more time at home the defects have multiplied. That is why many families have decided to change homes during this year 2021. How to do it without first selling the one we already have? Mortgage Change of house You no longer need to wait for the ideal buyer for your current home to appear. You can move house before this happens and enjoy a better quality of life. Will I have to face two mortgage payments? This…
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