
Sell to buy What happens to the mortgage on your home?

Sell to buy What happens to the mortgage on your home?

You can sell a mortgaged home to buy a new one. There are several options but you will need to follow a series of steps to do so. The reason is that you can not sign a contract of sale if the property is not free of charges. In this article we explain what you can do and what are your alternatives to get a new home. How can I sell my home if I still have an unpaid mortgage? If the sale price is higher than the mortgage that is pending. In this case, a part of the purchase…
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Most relevant documentation in the management of a mortgage

Most relevant documentation in the management of a mortgage

The management of a mortgage involves the delivery of a series of documents with which the bank will obtain information about your financial situation and your ability to meet the payment of the installments. But remember that the bank is also obliged to provide the client with data on the conditions of the loan it offers. In this article we indicate which are the most relevant documents that are presented during the management of mortgages. Information that the bank must submit before signing With the Mortgage Law approved in 2019, the bank must deliver to the client a series of…
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Is it possible to change the holder of a mortgage?

Is it possible to change the holder of a mortgage?

There are many couples who, at the time, decided to buy a house halfway. That is, the bank granted them a mortgage loan being two the holders of it. But what happens if that couple breaks up? Is it possible to change the holder of a mortgage? Yes, it is possible. But there are a number of conditions. Is the bank obliged to change the ownership of a mortgage? Law 2/1994, of March 30, says that one of the reasons that allow the modification of mortgage loans is the change in ownership of them. But for this you must have the approval of the…
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When is the best time to renegotiate your mortgage?

When is the best time to renegotiate your mortgage?

Each person's personal and financial circumstances are not always stable. When you sign a mortgage loan for 20 or 30 years you do it knowing what your income is at that moment, the type of job you have and the savings you have. However, external or personal factors can change your economic situation. It is precisely at that moment when you must start the process to renegotiate your mortgage. Why am I interested in renegotiating my mortgage? To improve the conditions of your mortgage credit. Through novation we have the possibility to renegotiate these conditions with the bank in order to make…
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The 8 most relevant mortgage terms

The 8 most relevant mortgage terms

If every time you do a financial search online or talk to an advisor from your bank everything you hear sounds like Chinese, do not worry. As we always tell you, the financial sector is full of complex terms unknown to most that can further complicate your search for financing, and unless you work in the profession, confusion can be important. Today we want to clarify the eight most relevant terms that you should know before going to any bank or signing a mortgage operation. Let's go! Main Capital The capital is the amount of money that the bank is going to…
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What should I look for to know if they offer me a good mortgage?

What should I look for to know if they offer me a good mortgage?

Buying a home is a very important step for anyone. It may be easy for us to give it but everything gets complicated when we apply for financing. Will the mortgage they offer me be the most suitable for me? In Creditoh! we give you some keys to know if the credit they offer you is the one that best suits your circumstances. From interest rates to commissions: the most important keys to your mortgage Finding an interesting offer in the Spanish mortgage market is not an easy task, especially if you do not first go to the services of a real…
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TIN and TAE : What should I know?

TIN and TAE : What should I know?

If you are looking for a mortgage or personal loan, surely TIN and APR will be two concepts that appear frequently in different bank offers, but what is the difference between the two terms? Which of them offers you clearer and more accurate information to make a decision? We tell you all its particularities. TIN or APR What to look for? The first thing we should know is that both are official concepts introduced by the Bank of Spain. The APR is more recent since it emerged in 1990 with the mission of completing the information offered by the TIN. NIR (Nominal…
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3 Requirements to get a Mortgage 100

3 Requirements to get a Mortgage 100

The mortgage 100 still exists today and although not all profiles can access it, there are common requirements for financial institutions to get it. Quality mortgage advice will place you closer to your concession. Do you want to know if you are a good candidate for Mortgage 100? Mortgage Requirements 100 Let's start at the beginning by analyzing the requirements in which financial institutions will be set to know if you are a good candidate. 1- Job Stability Job stability is essential to be able to access mortgage 100, in employed workers the bank as a whole considers that a buyer is stable when…
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