heat pump

What heating should I choose for a home in Madrid?

What heating should I choose for a home in Madrid?

Madrid has very high temperatures in summer, but this does not mean that winters are mild. In this area of Spain it is very important to choose the heating system with head. There are several months in which it will be necessary and the economic cost will be high. Getting the heating right is important to pay just enough. If you have to think about how you are going to heat your house in winter here are some small tips. City heating In the city it is common to see buildings with central heating, but if this is not the case of…
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Is it worth putting air conditioning for a house in Madrid?

Is it worth putting air conditioning for a house in Madrid?

The Community of Madrid is not one of the areas of Spain where the highest temperatures are reached in summer, but it is true that the heat is quite strong at this time of year. This is increased if it is a large city, since the asphalt absorbs a lot of heat during the day. To combat the heat the main alternative is air conditioning, but is it worth installing it in Madrid? Is it an area warm enough to have to be placed? Let's look at it in detail. Type of weather in summer in Madrid The climate in the…
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Types of electric heating

Types of electric heating

Heating our home is one of the highest household expenses in general terms. Although we only need it during the winter months, the economic expense that this entails is high, so it is convenient to know well the types of heating that exist. In this post we are going to analyze everything related to electric heating, both its types and the characteristics of each one. What is electric heating? We can fall into the error of thinking that electric heating is only electric radiators, but the truth is that there are several electrical systems to heat the house. We call electric heating any…
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Install Heat Pump in Outdoor Spa

Install Heat Pump in Outdoor Spa

Heating Systems for Outdoor Spa or Swimspa The Heat Pump has become an essential accessory for a Spa or a Swimspa, conventional heaters that bring Standard Outdoor Spas or Swimspas (Swimming against current) are depreciating due to their high consumption of electric current (3000W of Consumption) Now in the year 2019 a new way of heating the water of your outdoor spa or Swimspa (countercurrent swimming) has been born, we have Heat Pumps that consume only 500W of Power and give a heat power of 2,800 Kw, the power consumed is multiplied by 5 From 2019 ask your supplier or…
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