sound insulation

Rock wool or fiberglass: Which insulates better?

Rock wool or fiberglass: Which insulates better?

In today's article we are going to talk about two of the materials that are most taken into account when performing insulation work. Rock wool or fiberglass? This question is one of the most asked by technicians when doing this type of work, and although both have a similar behavior, sometimes it is very worthwhile to choose one of the two. In general, both materials have similar characteristics and are a great option when it comes to achieving good insulation and, therefore, good energy efficiency in a home. This translates into significant savings that amortize the initial investment in a short period…
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The ideal sound insulation to avoid noise from your neighbors

The ideal sound insulation to avoid noise from your neighbors

Noise can significantly affect our quality of life. It is especially serious when we suffer it at home, since our home should be a haven of peace. The acoustic insulation in walls of the neighbors who make noise has become the best solution to be much quieter in the house. What can I do if I have noisy neighbors? Depends on. There are houses where isolation is very scarce and you can hear everything. This implies that you will listen to who you have wall to wall, no matter how quiet that person tries to be. The noises of the washing machine,…
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Main advantages of PVC windows

Main advantages of PVC windows

PVC windows are one of the solutions that are being used today, and it is a material that offers great advantages over other traditional and that have been used to date such as wood or aluminum. Our goal will be to analyze the three main advantages of PVC windows, knowing in detail all their most important particularities. But before I see them, I want to remind you of the importance of choosing quality windows. Although PVC is already a leap in the improvement of them, it is important to choose a brand that offers good finishes. If you want to see an…
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Sound insulation with plasterboard: installation and price

Sound insulation with plasterboard: installation and price

Pladur plates work well as sound insulation for rooms. These plates are placed on the walls and ceilings and protect against the spread of noise. Let's see more in depth what it takes to use plasterboard to acoustically isolate a room and what are the average market prices. What is acoustic plasterboard? When the word plasterboard is mentioned, it usually refers to a plasterboard, but you should know that plasterboard is the name of a manufacturer. Being the most popular manufacturer, this element has been baptized with its name. However, there are other manufacturers that develop these boards. These are white plates…
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5 ChovA products to improve the quality of your home

5 ChovA products to improve the quality of your home

ChovA is a company from Tavernes de la Valldigna (Valencia) that is dedicated to the manufacture and marketing of waterproofing, thermal insulation and acoustic insulation products. With its range of products, the company seeks to ensure health, energy efficiency and comfort in buildings and homes. Since it offers several solutions, in this post I want to highlight 5 products that you can use in the construction or rehabilitation of your home. In this way you will use top quality materials. Let's analyze them. Self-adhesive asphalt sheet I want to start by highlighting the self-adhesive asphalt fabric with which you can waterproof any exterior surface.…
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