
Buy a home. Where to start?

Buy a home. Where to start?

One of the most important decisions in a person's life is the acquisition of a home ownership. When that moment comes, innumerable doubts arise as a result of not knowing the functioning of the real estate market. Where do I start? What is the first step I should take? This post will give you the answer to these and other questions. Steps to buy a home Identify your needs There are many questions you should ask yourself before you start searching: Will I live alone or as a couple? Do I prefer a house in the city center or on…
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Sell to buy What happens to the mortgage on your home?

Sell to buy What happens to the mortgage on your home?

You can sell a mortgaged home to buy a new one. There are several options but you will need to follow a series of steps to do so. The reason is that you can not sign a contract of sale if the property is not free of charges. In this article we explain what you can do and what are your alternatives to get a new home. How can I sell my home if I still have an unpaid mortgage? If the sale price is higher than the mortgage that is pending. In this case, a part of the purchase…
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Is it possible to change the holder of a mortgage?

Is it possible to change the holder of a mortgage?

There are many couples who, at the time, decided to buy a house halfway. That is, the bank granted them a mortgage loan being two the holders of it. But what happens if that couple breaks up? Is it possible to change the holder of a mortgage? Yes, it is possible. But there are a number of conditions. Is the bank obliged to change the ownership of a mortgage? Law 2/1994, of March 30, says that one of the reasons that allow the modification of mortgage loans is the change in ownership of them. But for this you must have the approval of the…
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Do you have a mortgage offer? We can improve it

Do you have a mortgage offer? We can improve it

New technologies have brought with them the possibility of obtaining real-time information on practically everything we need. The financial sector has been one of the first to digitize. It is possible that if you are looking for a mortgage for the purchase of your new home, you have made use of different platforms and digital tools that help you in your purchase process. Information is power as long as you know how to manage it in your favor. You can not forget that the financial world is full of terms and concepts that can be very confusing for someone who is not…
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The most important factors when changing mortgages

The most important factors when changing mortgages

Improving your mortgage is possible. There are different ways to achieve this, one of them is mortgage subrogation that is nothing more than changing your bank loan to get better conditions. Would you like to reduce quota, interest rate or repayment term? We tell you how to do it. Subrogation: What would you like to change about your mortgage? Subrogation is changing the mortgage loan of your financial institution to another that offers you better conditions that involve savings. Subrogating a mortgage does not mean taking out a new mortgage loan with new conditions. Surrogacy involves maintaining the same funding but…
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Do I have enough savings to buy a home?

Do I have enough savings to buy a home?

It is possible that after the fateful year 2020 you are thinking about looking for a home to become independent, improve your quality of life or finally become the owner of your home. In any of these cases before starting the search for your ideal home it is important to make a segmentation appropriate to your personal and professional profile. This will take you directly to visit properties that fit your characteristics with the consequent gain of time. Is it necessary to have savings to get mortgage financing? What is the amount of equity that banks require to start talking?…
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When is the best time to renegotiate your mortgage?

When is the best time to renegotiate your mortgage?

Each person's personal and financial circumstances are not always stable. When you sign a mortgage loan for 20 or 30 years you do it knowing what your income is at that moment, the type of job you have and the savings you have. However, external or personal factors can change your economic situation. It is precisely at that moment when you must start the process to renegotiate your mortgage. Why am I interested in renegotiating my mortgage? To improve the conditions of your mortgage credit. Through novation we have the possibility to renegotiate these conditions with the bank in order to make…
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Apply for a mortgage alone or as a couple. What’s right for me?

Apply for a mortgage alone or as a couple. What’s right for me?

Is it preferable to apply for a mortgage as a couple or is it better for me to do it alone? The answer to this question depends on many conditions: the legal situation of the cohabitants (married or common-law partner), economic regime in the case of marriages, employment situation ... Each situation has its advantages and disadvantages. We tell you what they are. Apply for a mortgage as a couple If you are thinking of applying for a mortgage with your partner you should know that your candidacy has added some points for the bank. Financial institutions consider that the…
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TIN and TAE : What should I know?

TIN and TAE : What should I know?

If you are looking for a mortgage or personal loan, surely TIN and APR will be two concepts that appear frequently in different bank offers, but what is the difference between the two terms? Which of them offers you clearer and more accurate information to make a decision? We tell you all its particularities. TIN or APR What to look for? The first thing we should know is that both are official concepts introduced by the Bank of Spain. The APR is more recent since it emerged in 1990 with the mission of completing the information offered by the TIN. NIR (Nominal…
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3 Keys to understanding your mortgage amortization chart

3 Keys to understanding your mortgage amortization chart

When we are going to apply for a mortgage there are a series of concepts and financial terms that we are going to find that we may not be used to. However, it is important that we understand the meaning of some of them and know how to interpret them throughout the life of the loan. This is the case of the mortgage amortization table. This document provides us with very valuable information to understand the trajectory of our debt. Its interpretation can be complex, so in this article we want to clarify all doubts. What elements are we going…
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