floating flooring

Types of floating flooring: materials, strength and prices

Types of floating flooring: materials, strength and prices

The comfort and warmth that wood gives in a home or business is not offered by other types of materials. If we add to this a search for the resistance and economic maintenance of a material on a floor, these are the main reasons why the installation of floating pallets have become one of the most demanded solutions in interior pavements. Find out everything you need about the floating platform, from the prices of each type of pallet to how to classify them according to their resistance. What is floating flooring? Before proceeding to the definition of the floating flooring, it is…
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Difference between parquet and floating flooring Which is better?

Difference between parquet and floating flooring Which is better?

When remodeling our home it is likely that we face the dilemma of choosing between parquet and floating flooring, since both options are a viable way to place a beautiful and durable wooden floor. Next, we will give you some tips so you know which of them to choose. What is parquet Parquet is a type of floor made with wood that has a top layer, which usually reaches 2.5 millimeters thick. We can also define it as a pavement composed of several pieces of wood, which together can form different motifs or drawings. You can find it in two presentations: solid, that is, composed…
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