mortgage loans

How is a home valued?

How is a home valued?

The reasons why the valuation of a home is necessary are varied: knowing the price for its sale, liquidations of community of property, inheritances, requests for mortgage loans, refinancing or other loans in which the property serves as collateral, etc. Although in a few cases it is not mandatory to resort to certified or authorized professionals, the truth is that, without their presence in the appraisal process, the margin of error grows considerably and can cause serious economic losses to the owners. The fact of valuing something implies carrying out an appraisal To value the price of movable and immovable property it…
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The Covid 19 crisis triggers the novation of mortgage loans

The Covid 19 crisis triggers the novation of mortgage loans

In 2020, operations to renegotiate mortgage loans rose by 298%. The reasons are several. On the one hand, the Covid-19 pandemic has had a very negative impact on family incomes. And on the other, there is the moratorium that the Government approved to be able to face the economic and health crisis caused by the virus. The data comes from the report The effects of the pandemic in 2020 from the perspective of the data of the Notariat, which also highlights the increase in notarial acts aimed at improving the solvency of citizens and companies. Loan novations rise and home…
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The Covid 19 crisis triggers the novation of mortgage loans

The Covid 19 crisis triggers the novation of mortgage loans

In 2020, operations to renegotiate mortgage loans rose by 298%. The reasons are several. On the one hand, the Covid-19 pandemic has had a very negative impact on family incomes. And on the other, there is the moratorium that the Government approved to be able to face the economic and health crisis caused by the virus. The data comes from the report The effects of the pandemic in 2020 from the perspective of the data of the Notariat, which also highlights the increase in notarial acts aimed at improving the solvency of citizens and companies. Loan novations rise and home sales…
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