mortgage law

Expenses associated with the mortgage. Who pays what?

Expenses associated with the mortgage. Who pays what?

he registration in the Property Registry, the appraisal of the property, the agency, the Tax on Documented Legal Acts ... A mortgage brings with it a series of expenses that must be assumed by the owner of the same or by the bank that grants it. In this article we tell you what they are and the jurisprudence that the Supreme Court has established in several judgments related to the payments that borrowers were obliged to make before the new mortgage law came into force in June 2019. Who paid what before June 2019 Before the entry into force of the mortgage law…
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Mortgage expenses 2021 What do I have to pay?

Mortgage expenses 2021 What do I have to pay?

If you are thinking of acquiring a new home this 2021 this information interests you and is that after the new mortgage law imposed in June 2019, the assumption of mortgage expenses has changed considerably. We tell you who pays what and who assumes what. I'm going to apply for a mortgage, what are your expenses? The first thing you have to know before applying for a mortgage loan is that in addition to facing the fee every month, there are a series of expenses associated with the operation that you will have to assume. Some of these expenses must be…
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