How to adapt a home to people with reduced mobility

How to adapt a home to people with reduced mobility

There are different tricks and systems through which you can improve the quality of life of people with reduced mobility.

We are going to analyze which are the most suitable for installation in a home, thus achieving that the person can move more freely and of course also with the maximum possible security.

Elevators, home lifts and stairlifts

First of all it is very important to improve mobility within the home, and for this there are different resources such as stairlifts, elevators and domestic elevators.

On the one hand we have the domestic elevators, which are an elevator like any other, which allows the person to enter inside and access any of the floors of the building with great comfort and safety.

The elevators are presented with different designs, but ultimately their mission is to bridge level differences in a comfortable and safe way and vertically, in addition to the fact that most models will also allow the wheelchair to be mounted.

Finally there are the stairlifts, a system that allows you to climb the stairs very comfortably, with the particularity that you do not have to make modifications to the staircase, but only the chair or platform is installed with a guide through which the device will move.

Chair stairlifts allow the person to climb from one floor to another seated, while platform stairlifts help this person to also carry their wheelchair with them.

This is especially useful for areas where ramps cannot be installed, either because there is not enough width or because the difference in level would imply an excessive inclination.

If you think the latter is the best solution for your home here you can see the different prices of stairlifts. So you can get an idea of the budget you need.

Study well the width of the doors

The width of the doors is also another aspect to study, and in this sense, they must at least have 80 cm of light, since this is the standard measure that is considered to facilitate the passage of people in wheelchairs.

You should also take into account the width of the corridor

As for the corridors, the minimum required free space should be 90 cm wide, but above all it is important to check that in the areas of intersection with the doors, the wheelchair can be turned freely. This means that it must be possible to draw a circle with a diameter of at least 1.20 m.

The corners, better if they are rounded

Rounding the corners also greatly facilitates the passage of people with reduced mobility, while avoiding chippings and imperfections that can occur due to the frequent rubbing of the chair with the corner in areas with less space.

Install ramps to improve accessibility

The installation of a ramp is also highly recommended to save unevenness, but it must be borne in mind that it will not serve any ramp, that is, the slope must be moderate, thus allowing it to be used easily.

In any case, the slope will always be less than 10%, but it is important to study the regulations well since according to the length of the ramp this percentage may vary.

Either way, one of the common requirements for any type of ramp is that the surface is non-slip.

It is also important to adapt switches and plugs

Switches and plugs should be within reach, and above all it is very important that we make sure that there are no cables or elements that can cross the spaces and, therefore, hinder the passage.

Opt for furniture adapted to your needs

It is very important that the furniture is adapted to the needs of the person with reduced mobility.

The objective is to guarantee its accessibility, while avoiding that the furniture can reduce the space available so that the person can move freely.

For example, theshelves should be fixed to the wall to prevent them from tipping when supported.

In addition, if we place carpets, they must be resistant and of quality, while they must be kept fixedto prevent the annoying folds that prevent normal passage or may pose a risk of accident.

The bathroom, one of the most important rooms

The bathroom is one of the places in the house that should be studied the most to guarantee safety and freedom of movement for the affected person with reduced mobility.

It is recommended that the doors open outwards in case they had to be dismantled for some emergency, in the same way that the use of latches is not recommended.

In the toilet area, handle bars must be installed that allow the person to move from the chair to the toilet.

There are also special sinks that have been designed to be able to approach them easily, in addition to the installation of shower trays at ground level is recommended, being especially important if you shower with the wheelchair.

Do not forget the adaptation of the kitchen for reduced mobility

In order for you to use the kitchen, it will also be necessary to make a good adaptation, so that all the elements are easily accessible from the wheelchair.

The ceramic hobs help prevent burns, while it is also recommended to incorporate tables with wheelsas this way the person can have freedom when moving anything from one point to another.

Home automation offers interesting solutions for people with reduced mobility

Thanks to home automation, we currently have the possibility of finding a multitude of solutions ranging from managing lighting by voice to even using emergency services from any corner of the house, also by voice.

Smart blinds and awnings are a good way to manage lighting and interior temperature, and in general there are many alternatives that can be very useful.

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By Catharine Bwana