Prevents condensation on aluminum windows in 3 steps

Prevents condensation on aluminum windows in 3 steps

Aluminum windows are prone to condensation. It is a frequent problem, and to know how to avoid it I have prepared this post.

You have to understand why it occurs and learn the solutions that exist to prevent the appearance of moisture.

This humidity is not recommended, since they will also wet the wall and can lead to the appearance of mold.

Why condensation occurs

For moisture condensation to occur on a surface, two conditions must be met:

  • High relative humidity
  • That the temperature difference between the environment and the surface is high

There are no exact values for this, as the temperature difference needed for moisture to condense will vary with the amount of relative humidity.

Let’s take a closer look at the two conditions:

– High relative humidity

The relative humidity in the environment will depend to a large extent on the climatic zone in which the house is located.

If the climate you live in is humid, the air inside the home will be too. It is in these areas where the chances of condensation on the windows increase. But it’s not the only factor.

Sometimes we are the ones who add moisture to the environment. Butane stoves, for example, provide moisture to the environment during combustion.

We also add moisture ourselves simply by breathing. The air we expel is not completely dry, so there will be moisture that will pass into the environment.

– Temperature difference between the environment and the aluminum window

The other cause of condensation is the difference in temperatures between the environment and the surface of the aluminum window.

As in a house we always try to maintain the same temperature, what should worry us is the temperature of the window frame.

The problem comes when this temperature is low, and this occurs when the aluminum profile has no RPT (thermal bridge break) or is of poor quality.

In this post you can learn more about thermal break in windows, but basically it is a layer that is added to the inside of the window frame to insulate better.

When these windows hardly provide thermal insulation to the house, its interior surface is at a temperature similar to that of the outside. And this is an ideal condition for moisture to condense.

Keys to avoid condensation

Well, we have already seen the causes, now let’s see the solutions acting on these two factors.

1. Renew the air in the house

This first measure will not prevent this problem, but it will help some households.

As we have seen before, humidity can be brought to the environment by our activity, so it is important that you ventilate the house every day.

When you renew the air you take out the charged air that was there and replace it with fresh air. It will be enough to open several windows of your house for 10 minutes.

In this way you will be able to lower the relative humidity inside your home. For mild cases of humidity this may be enough.

2. Decreases humidity

There will be homes in which, because of the weather, they will have a humid air inside the home constantly.

For these cases lowering the relative humidity is more complicated, so it will be necessary to use a dehumidifier.

Dehumidifiers are devices that condense ambient air and accumulate it in a tank. You have to leave them running for several hours, but they remove excess moisture from the air very effectively.

They bring several options, allowing you to adjust the value of the relative humidity to the percentage you prefer. This way you can maintain a constant value in which condensation does not occur.

3. Improves window insulation

This last measure is the one in which more money must be invested, but it is also the most recommended.

You have to have something clear: if condensation occurs in the aluminum windows of your house, it is that they do not insulate correctly.

Not only will you have the problem of humidity, but you’ll also be spending more on heating than you should.

That’s why here are two options:

If your windows are sliding you can place a double window. It is a cheaper option if your home allows it. Otherwise you must completely change the frame of the windows.

You will need to make an investment in this change, but you will end up offsetting this expense with savings in heating.

This way you will solve the moisture problem (the interior surface of these windows will no longer be cold) and you will have a home with better energy efficiency.

With these 3 tips you can prevent windows from “sweating”. Changing profiles should be enough to eliminate condensation, but the dehumidifier can also be a good complement for some climates.

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By Catharine Bwana