Sound insulation with plasterboard: installation and price

Sound insulation with plasterboard: installation and price

Pladur plates work well as sound insulation for rooms. These plates are placed on the walls and ceilings and protect against the spread of noise.

Let’s see more in depth what it takes to use plasterboard to acoustically isolate a room and what are the average market prices.

What is acoustic plasterboard?

When the word plasterboard is mentioned, it usually refers to a plasterboard, but you should know that plasterboard is the name of a manufacturer.

Being the most popular manufacturer, this element has been baptized with its name. However, there are other manufacturers that develop these boards.

These are white plates that improve sound insulation. They can be placed both on the walls and on the ceiling.

In 2014, Pladur released a range called “Fonic”, which improved by up to 3 decibels its classic range of plasterboard. This range is commonly known as acoustic plasterboard.

However you do not need to resort to Pladur Fonic plates, normal plates offer good results to improve sound insulation.

Plasterboard markings

The most widespread brand is Pladur, but it is not the only one you can find. It is easy for installers or department stores to provide any of the following brands.

  1. Pladur
  2. Placo
  3. Knauf
  4. Isoplac

Pladur installation

The installation of plasterboard plates can be done following different techniques. These are the 3 main ones to acoustically isolate a wall.

1. Direct cladding

It is the simplest and fastest assembly. Thanks to the absence of guides it is the method that will occupy less space in the rooms.

  • A grip paste is applied all over the wall leaving a distance of 40 cm between the different points
  • Supporting the plates on the floor with the help of some dowels, we proceed to place them. It will be necessary to leave a distance of 1 cm from the floor and ceiling of the room
  • For heights greater than 3.6 meters it will be necessary to place wooden reinforcements between 2 plasterboards.

2. Semi-direct cladding

It is a simple installation that can be combined with the installation of a thermal and acoustic insulator such as rock wool.

  • Se colocan dos fijaciones horizontales atornilladas a la pared, una cerca del techo y otra cerca del suelo
  • En el espacio que quedan entre ambas se colocan varias fijaciones verticales, estableciendo una distancia de 40 o 60 cm entre ellas
  • Se atornillan las diferentes placas de pladur a las fijaciones que se han instalado sobre la pared.

3. Trasdosado autoportante

Se trata de una estructura autoportante que permite utilizarse en cualquier tipo de pared, incluidas las irregulares.

  • Se instalan dos canales, uno al techo y otro al suelo, de manera que la estructura no se fija en ningún momento a la pared de la vivienda
  • Posteriormente se colocan las diferentes guías verticales encajándolas a los canales iniciales
  • Finalmente se atornillas las placas de pladur a la estructura autoportante construida. Puede añadirse lana de roca para mejorar las características de aislamiento


The prices of plasterboard will depend on the manufacturer, thickness and characteristics of each range.

To get an idea, here is a list with the main prices per m2:

Brand Thickness Category Price
Pladur 13 mm Standard 3,75 €/m2
Placo 13 mm Standard 2,45 €/m2
Knauf 12.5 mm Estámndar 3,30 €/m2
Placo 13 mm Waterproof PPM 4,50 €/m2

These are the average prices for plasterboard. If what you need is the cost of the complete installation you will need to ask for quotes.

It will depend on the company and the room that you want to isolate acoustically. The best thing is that you request quotes from several companies and choose the one that best suits your situation.

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By Catharine Bwana