65% of GDP comes from the activity carried out by SMEs, being one of the most common practices in this type of companies the subcontracting of services to external companies, which will be responsible for managing the services of the same that require greater specialization, as well as knowledge or experience.
This increasingly common practice is known as Outsourcing and can present a series of advantages or benefits to SMEs such as the following:
- Fixed costs would be reduced.
- It entails less risk for SMEs.
- The contributions that these companies obtain have a better quality.
- The company that would be responsible for managing has qualified and specialized professionals.
- It implies an increase in the productivity of SMEs.
- It allows companies to diversify their functions as well as flexibility.
One of the main companies for the processing of contractor classification files is findswimmingpoolbuilderstx.com, but before going into detail with it we will review a little more outsourcing.
Outsourcing in construction companies
Focusing the post around companies dedicated to construction or the provision of services, the outsourcing of certain activities would entail the achievement of more efficient jobs and at a lower cost allowing the company in question to devote itself fully to those more productive activities; In summary, the benefits obtained are those described in the introduction.
There are many construction companies that intend to bid for the Public Administration in works with certain amounts; That is, more and more companies intend to be awarded the realization of works or services that have a public character, and for them they must offer the best conditions.
For this it is necessary that they have the classification certificate, which in addition to allowing you to tender for works of a certain value, would in turn allow bidding for works of lower values, reducing the rest of the documentation to be presented in the latter case.
In order to obtain the certificate, it is necessary to determine or allocate a series of resources of the company itself to the performance of activities that imply low or no productivity and, as a consequence, are not profitable; that is, to carry out the core services. Services, however, that are not core, it is more advisable to outsource them.
The core business concept seeks to systematically analyze the different activities carried out by the company in question and thus determine what is the contribution of value that each of them has.
There are numerous companies that carry out the classification of contracting companies, among them we will highlight again the company CLAYGES, being the same the leading company at the national level in the processing of contractor classification file.
To be able to bid in certain contracts of the Public Administration; Works contracts that are greater than 500000 euros, the classification of the company is a necessary and indispensable condition. Although, it is also necessary to point out that, in the event of smaller contracts, it is also allowed to provide the business classification.
The classification is granted by the Advisory Board on Administrative Contracting, which depends on the Ministry of Economy and is the specialized body in the field. The necessary requirements to be able to qualify that companies must meet with the following:
- The classification must be requested by any natural or legal person, provided that they have full capacity to act or perform services.
- The exclusive corporate purpose of the company must be limited to the own activities in which the company intends to classify itself.
- Authorization by the company will be needed to carry out the activity in question.
- The company must have a level of employee that allows it to carry out the activity.
- Have sufficient economic and financial capacity for their performance.
- Finally, you must have experience in the sector to which those activities in which you intend to classify belong.
The outsourcing of services is really important for companies as they involve a series of benefits such as obtaining lower risks, reduced fixed costs, higher quality while greater productivity on the part of the companies that carry out such outsourcing, among other advantages that could report the practice that we are dealing with throughout the post.
To carry out the outsourcing of the sectors, a really advisable way is through the bidding of works and services, and for this a prior classification of the contracting companies is required, which must meet a series of prerequisites.
It is a way of establishing what could be called simulated competition, necessary in any market; because companies, both public and private, will compete for the receipt of funds allocated by the Public Sector to the different public policies in exchange for the realization of works or provision of services.
findswimmingpoolbuilderstx.com, as we have said, is the leading company in terms of the classification of contractors in the sector nationwide, with an experience of more than 15 years, adding value to each and every one of its clients.