What exactly does home insurance cover?

What exactly does home insurance cover?

Before addressing what exactly home insurance covers, it is necessary to specify what home insurance is given the importance that can be derived from it.

Well, home insurance is an insurance that aims to guarantee the protection of the home, either by the owners, or by their tenants, as a result of the possible risks that may occur on it.

Do you want to have a real estimate of the cost of home insurance? In this link you can see what home insurance is going to cost you manually, and adapted to your particular home!

Once we have identified what home insurance is, we will delve into what it covers.

Indeed, this type of insurance includes a wide range of coverages, which seek to cover both damages that occur accidentally in the structure of the house and, in turn, those that occur in the goods that are inside the house. Although it is also important to mention the existence of additional guarantees.

Although, the most common coverages in home insurance are as follows:

Fire and other damage

Fire coverage is basic in all home insurance, although with other damages we refer to those damages caused to the house as a result of the fall of lightning, an explosion or an event of similar characteristics.

Electronic damage

We refer with this type of coverage to damages caused by overvoltages and short circuits in electronic devices.

Acts of vandalism

They are material damages that occur on the assets of the insured made by a third party.

Water damage

In those cases in which accidental water leaks or pipe breaks occur, the company must compensate the insured when as a result damage occurs to the goods that have been insured by the latter.

Damage due to breakage

In the event of breaks in the car window, mirrors, glass, methacrylate, fixed sanitary elements and similar goods, the insurer will indemnify its client. Although, possible scratches or scrapes would not be taken into account when paying compensation.

Robbery, robbery or theft

Damages and losses that occur as a result of a robbery, robbery or theft will be compensated by the company, according to the type of policy that has been contracted. Although, the insurer tends to establish a series of limits when paying compensation.

Aesthetic damage

As long as this coverage has been included in the contracted policy, the insurer must compensate when they occur to its client, always attending to a previously set limit.


It will cover damages caused involuntarily to a third party, both personal and material. The coverage in this case extends to the insured and his family.

Home Assistance Service

The insurer will bear the cost of hiring a qualified company to meet the needs of the insured, as long as it has been contracted and established in the policy.

You must make available to the client the service provided by professional technicians within a maximum period of 24 hours. This coverage could include emergency plumbing, electricians and urgent locksmith; Urgent glassware and security personnel.

Legal defence

Usually, legal expenses and those expenses derived from them will be included.

Coverages offered by home insurance and you may not know

It is very common that certain coverages that are included in the home insurance contract are not known as a result of its peculiarity and probably anyone when hiring their insurance may be interested. Let’s list them below:

  • Usually, home insurance includes in your policy DIY services such as replacing faucets, mounting shelves or similar services, which can be interesting if you are not especially skilled at these things.
  • It also covers the protection of minors against possible digital violence, something that in these times can be especially striking.
  • It could also take care of the erasure of the fingerprint.
  • Another thing to keep in mind and that surely interests more than one insured, is that it bears the expenses of those foods that have been spoiled as a result of an electrical failure or if the refrigerator had been damaged.
  • If we move from the house, the belongings of each insured will be covered with the policy, although in case of jewelry or precious stones the same would not happen.
  • It also includes specific guarantees in case we have pets in the house.

And, finally, although it may be more common, it is health, home and teaching care, including telephone medical attention in many insurances.

As we have seen throughout the post, there are many risks that are covered with home insurance, many of them unknown to most people as a result of their peculiarity. Although, it is important to know the different coverages offered by each insurance before hiring it.

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By Catharine Bwana